The benefits of the fruit Bit very much because the nutrients are quite diverse and well suited to maintaining healthy body so a lot of people use it to support their health. even treat a variety of diseases. Although bad taste on the tongue, in fact there are still many who are looking for the bit to be used as vegetables or juices. Mula mula you better read the first reviews the content of the fruit bits and then later continued on its benefits.

7 Benefits of Deities and the way of consumption
The benefits of the fruit Bits because it contains a lot of minerals such as iron, copper, potassium, phosphorus, tryptophan and magnesium, as well as carbohydrate, protein, soluble fiber, antioxidant-rich, caumarin and folate. Beetroot also contain many vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B6 and B9 and vitamin c. vitamin and folate is essential for pregnant women and fetus contains.
Generally, the content of beets, benefit, and percentages can be seen on the following details:
Folic acid is 34%, its usefulness is to grow and replace damaged cells. It can also support the development of the fetal brain.
Potassium was 14.8%, the benefits of balance condition of fluid in the body.
Fibers of 13.6%, benefits the digestive process and facilitate health digestive organs.
10.2% of vitamin C, the merits of maintaining durability and stimulates the formation of new cells and tissues.
Contains 9.8% Magnesium are beneficial as well as maintain muscles work menyetabilkan kesetabilan safar.
Iron was 7.4%, the benefits helps energy metabolism and binding of oxygen in the blood.
Copper amounted to 6.5%, the benefits help the formation of red blood cells.
Phosphorus 6.5%, its benefits to strengthen bones.
Tryptophan 1.4%, its benefits to support children's growth and accelerate healing for pain.
Caumarin, serves to prevent the emergence of tumor cells
Betasianin, serves to prevent the emergence of cancer cells
The benefits of the fruit bits for the health
1. Bit for lower cholesterol
Cholesterol is a health problem that should not be ignored even if it seems harmless. With eating fruits regularly then the cholesterol levels in the blood will remain stable.
2. Bit to stabilize blood pressure
Nitrate content in bits of fruit will be converted into nitrites that will make the muscles become relaxed, so blood pressure will be normal. And not to result in lumps and propagates at the symptoms of a stroke
3. Bit for treating Tumor diseases and Cancer
High antioxidant content in bits can destroy tumors and cancer in the body, so that the use of the proper bits can be used as an alternative to treat both diseases.
4. Bit to clean the kidneys and gall bladder
Kidney and gall bladder serves to neutralize the toxins in the body and filter the blood to keep it clean. With the help of bits, the work of the two organs to become useful in disposing of toxins in the body.
5. The benefits of the fruit bits for preventing and Treating Anemia
The fruit contains bits of iron is effective in overcoming the disease anemia. Iron helps the formation of red blood cells and helps the blood to mensirkulasikan oxygen throughout the body. Well suited to the women because of blood shortages often occur.
6. Bit to maintain Body Stamina
Carbohydrate content in bits will provide enough energy for the body to move. By eating of the fruit bit regularly then the stamina of the body will remain intact. So is suitable also for the workers because of the glut of high carbohydrate content in addition to being able to add setamina after a day of being tired in work.
7. The Bit to make way for the digestive process
The fruit also contains many bits of fiber that can facilitate the process of digestion and maintain healthy digestive organs, because the remaining food and toxins in the colon would be wasted with fiber in the form of impurities. So quite good also consumed by some of the people who are doing this with diet, the body will not be until a shortage of carbohydrates but still feel full.
Like that's a brief summary of the benefits of the fruit Bit is most important and recommended by nutrition experts as well as health. So want to wait longer just consume it on a regular basis because to get it now this is also quite easy. Prices are still expensive but very worth the benefits provided. So thank you have visited on our site until a news conference on the benefits of other fruit.
Thankyou for visiting this site and reading 7 benefits of Fruit bits for the health
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