Watermelon fruit composition consists of 91 percent water and 7.5 percent carbohydrates. Fruit watermelon contain almost no fat and protein, and only a few contain calories.
A high content of water is very good for the body, because it can help pregnant women properly hydrated. Moreover, pregnant women do need more water than normal people.
Water plays an important role in the development of the fetus, i.e., helping the formation of placenta and amniotic sac, as well as being one of the materials forming the amniotic fluid. Dehydration in pregnant women can lead to serious complications for the mother and the fetus.
Here is another benefit of watermelon fruit is good for pregnant women, among other things:
Prevent the occurrence of preeclampsia
Watermelon is a fruit that is rich in antioxidants, likopen which makes the color of the fruit becomes red. Likopen is used by the body to form betakaroten which are then converted into vitamin a. Another benefit of likopen is reducing the risk of cancer.
In pregnant women, antioxidants like likopen is having an impact either in preventing the occurrence of preeclampsia and the small size of the body of an infant at birth. But still required further research to ensure that data.
Controlling blood pressure
Potassium on melon is one of the types of minerals and electrolytes that are important to control the blood pressure and keep the heart healthy. In pregnant women, a deficiency of potassium can lead to foot suffered cramps, weakness, and the rhythm of the heart is interrupted.
Pregnant women advised to consume potassium (potassium) as many as 4,700 mg per day. While in nursing mothers, the amount of potassium that is consumed should be much more, namely 5,100 mg per day.
Prevent dehydration
Did you know that dehydration that occurs in pregnant women can be very fatal? One of the consequences was the premature contraction to cause premature birth. Watermelon contains 90% water, so it can be a good intake for pregnant women to avoid being affected by dehydration.
Reduce swelling
The swelling is one of the most common pregnancy interruption occurs. The swelling usually occurs on the hands and feet is called edema. Moisture content which is contained in watermelon makes this fruit was able to reduce clogging that occurs in the blood vessels and muscles, so that it is able to prevent swelling.
Prevent the occurrence of cramps
Pregnancy is the period in which the body of pregnant women will experience various changes. One of them is hormonal changes and weight gain. Both of those changes can make bone and muscle pain and trigger the emergence of cramps. However, with regular Eating Watermelon, muscle cramps and bone can be reduced.
Enhance the immune system and the absorption of iron
Vitamin C is contained in watermelon fruit makes this fruit is able to help improve the body's immune system of pregnant women. In addition, vitamin C is also needed by expectant mothers to form collagen.
Collagen is a protein that forms connective tissue, such as cartilage, tendons, and skin. Vitamin C plays a role in the repair of damaged tissues, bone growth, maintain healthy skin, as well as helps the absorption of iron.
Help the formation of fetal bone
Potassium is found in watermelon fruit serve to retain calcium in the body. This will make it very useful in the process of the formation of the bones of the fetus at the same time strengthen and nourish the joints in the body of the mother.
So pregnant women benefit fruit watermelon to the maximum, the selection of fruit watermelon must be observed. Please choose a strong watermelon fruit, symmetrical, free of cracks and bruises. Ripe watermelon will have shiny skin, the bottom is yellow butter, as well as have a stem that is already drying up.
Thankyou for visiting this site and reading 7 Watermelon Fruit Benefits for pregnant women
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